I made the right choice.
“Doctors, Doctors, Doctors! How do you pick the right doctor when you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I met Dr. Ball and Dr. Van Appledorn when they were treating my mother-in-law. For 30 years, I owned a medical supply business in Ft. Lauderdale. We sold equipment to doctors and hospitals. So why did I pick these doctors? I think with my experience, I knew doctors who truly cared about their patients and were interested in the latest medical technology and were not stuck using the same procedures on all their patients. I knew what treatment methods were available, and I wanted the da Vinci operating procedure even before I saw Dr. Ball. I checked out both doctors, their credentials, and the da Vinci procedure.
I made the right choice and highly recommend Dr. Ball and Dr. Van Appledorn.”
– Frank J. Messina, C. O. C. Ped.