
I strongly and sincerely recommend that anyone with any kind of urology needs contact Gulfstream Urology Inc.
My name is Jose Antonio. I am 56 years old and a good christian catholic. Since November 4, 2008, after a routine PSA screening, I have been going to Gulfstream Urology Inc. to address my high PSA levels. I can truly attest that I am very pleased with the services I have been receiving under the professional and caring medical advice of Dr. Adam Ball addressing my urological needs. In May of 2013, Dr. Ball was able to diagnose me as having an early stage of prostate cancer. Dr. Adam Ball performed an excellent job with surgery and I am now recovering well.
Continue reading Jose's testimonial.
The surgery was a huge success
My name is Clarence Clarke. I am a retired 70 year old IT professional. I believe in a higher power, God. My faith is solid, for God is my strength, my understanding, and my constant companion. The presence of God is more powerful than any temporary life condition. God moves in, through, and as every person. I trust the wisdom of God to help and protect me.
I was referred to Dr. Adam J. Ball, M.D., of Gulfstream Urology Associates in May, 2009.
Between May, 2009 and May, 2012 I had no known prostate issues. PSA and DRE tests yielded normal results. However, in May, the 2012 PSA result went to 4.0. Dr. Ball explained what that result meant and reviewed my options with me. I decided to wait and have another PSA test before having a biopsy. It was during this time that I began to experience frequent urination, especially at night. I had another PSA test in November, 2012. My PSA had increased to 4.6. I elected to have a biopsy and was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had a Gleason score of 7. My entire prostate was affected.
Continue reading Clarence's testimonial.
Dr. Ball is well-educated, experienced, patient friendly, and a truly professional surgeon.
I am a retired Navy (SEAL) Captain who spent 30 years in the Naval Special Warfare community, including 3 combat tours to Vietnam with the SEALs and command of SEAL Team SIX from 1990-1992. During my career I received a Master of Arts Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School, graduated from the Navy War College Command and Staff College, and was president of the National War College Class of 1993. Following my retirement from the Navy, I joined a professional services firm in Virginia and filled such positions as Director of Marketing and Division Vice President. Following the sale of the company and my relocation to Florida, I have spent the past 10.5 years with the Wackenhut/G4S armed security services company and have served as the Site Manager of the guard force at two large upscale residential communities near my home in Port St. Lucie.
Continue reading Ronald's testimonial.
My thanks to you Dr. Ball and April, a job well done.
I would like to introduce myself, I’m Rich Dector. I am 61, soon to be 62. I have a family history of prostate cancer, my Dad, thus I was closely watching my PSA. At the age of 60 my PSA elevated from 2.35 to 5.35. At that time I had a biopsy of my prostate. I had no symptoms other that the elevating PSA. My biopsy came back 4 on the Gleason scale. In conjunction with my urologist, I chose to “wait & watch”.
My PSA remained the same a year later but I felt that I should have another biopsy. My urologist agreed and this time it was a 6 on the Gleason scale. I decided upon surgery, and my urologist recommended that the da Vinci prostatectomy would be the most appropriate approach. I had been spending the summer in NJ when all this occurred but I knew I wanted the surgery to be done in Florida. Recovering in sun and warmth seemed like a very good idea.
Continue reading Rich's testimonial.
I am able to go on with my life knowing that Dr. Ball will be there if I need him.
"In July of 2009, (at age 63 and 9 months prior to this testimonial), Dr. Ball performed da Vinci robotic surgery on me and removed my enlarged prostate, along with the cancer contained therein. Due to the minimally-invasive robotic surgery, I was able to go home the day after the surgery with relatively little pain or discomfort. During the entire procedure, Dr. Ball and his staff were helpful and instructive. After the surgery, if questions arose, I would call the office and get answers and advice quickly. Dr Ball's professional fees were very reasonable and there was never an unreasonable wait at his office. I am happy to say that the post-surgery PSA's confirm that the cancer has been removed and I am able to go on with my life knowing that Dr. Ball will be there if I need him."
- Mr. Bruce Shaffner

I made the right choice.
Doctors, Doctors, Doctors! How do you pick the right doctor when you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I met Dr. Ball and Dr. Van Appledorn when they were treating my mother-in-law. For 30 years, I owned a medical supply business in Ft. Lauderdale. We sold equipment to doctors and hospitals. So why did I pick these doctors? I think with my experience, I knew doctors who truly cared about their patients and were interested in the latest medical technology and were not stuck using the same procedures on all their patients. I knew what treatment methods were available, and I wanted the da Vinci operating procedure even before I saw Dr. Ball. I checked out both doctors, their credentials, and the da Vinci procedure.
I made the right choice and highly recommend Dr. Ball and Dr. Van Appledorn.”
- Frank J. Messina, C. O. C. Ped.

I am grateful to Dr. Ball, who gave me top of the line care.
“Kudos to Dr. Adam Ball for his early detection of my prostate cancer and for performing the robotic prostatectomy with the da Vinci Surgical System. I am grateful to Dr. Ball, who gave me top of the line care. I was out of the hospital in only two days and had very little, if any, discomfort from the surgery. I returned to my daily activities in no time at all. I urge all men who have prostate cancer to investigate this da Vinci Surgical System - it is truly a remarkable procedure.”
- John F. Jolley
Retired Professor of History

I was amazed by the procedure, at how little pain I had and how quickly I recovered.
"After being diagnosed with prostate cancer, I chose the DaVinci Robotics Surgery at Lawnwood Medical Center with Dr. Scott Van Appledorn, as my form of treatment. I was amazed by the procedure, at how little pain I had and how quickly I recovered. I am a 55 year old construction worker and I returned to full work after only 4 weeks.
Although any type of surgery can be frightening, this type is much less intrusive and the outcome is extremely successful. Please do not wait...make the right choice!"
- Edward Marrone

Thanks to Dr. Ball.
"Thanks to Dr. Ball, Dr. Van Appledorn and the da Vinci my recovery was so much faster and my life was back to normal in just a couple of months."
- Thomas Grady
Manager, Gold's Gym
Port St. Lucie, Florida